接口定义和实现 在下面这个例子中,定义了两个自定义类型city country 和接口类型IName city、country分别实现了接口IName, 它们不需要代码上不需要去和IName关联(比如implement IName),只需要实现 IName定义的方法即可。接口更像是双方约定的协议,达到更加精炼、灵活的效果。
空接口:interface{} 它不包含任何的方法,所以类型都实现了空接口。空接口在我们需要存储任意类型的时候相当有用,非常类似C语言中void* 类型。printname 函数中输入参数就是一个空接口
接口检查 有时候需要检查某个obj是否实现了接口,可以用obj.(I)来查询它是否实现了接口 printname中 ivalue, ok := p.(IName) if !ok { fmt.Println("It is not a IName interface obj:", p) return }
接口类型 由于实现接口的obj可能有多个,如果需要确切知道是哪一个,可以使用 obj.(type)来判断。 这里有两个实现IName接口的struct, printname 中就是通过obj.(type) 来判断是city 还是country.
package mainimport ( "fmt")type city struct { name string}func (c city) Put(name string) { c.name = name}func (c city) GetName() string { return c.name}type country struct { name string}func (c country) Put(name string) { c.name = name}func (c country) GetName() string { return c.name}type IName interface { Put(string) GetName() string}//interface type and queryfunc printname(p interface{}) { ivalue, ok := p.(IName) if !ok { fmt.Println("It is not a IName interface obj:", p) return } switch ivalue.(type) { case *city: fmt.Println("It is a *city: ", ivalue.GetName()) case *country: fmt.Println("It is a *country: ", ivalue.GetName()) case city: fmt.Println("It is a city: ", ivalue.GetName()) case country: fmt.Println("It is a country: ", ivalue.GetName()) default: fmt.Println("It is other IName interface") }}func main() { var c1, c2, c3, c4 interface{} c1 = city{name: "Hangzhou"} c2 = country{name: "US"} c3 = &city{name: "Shanghai"} c4 = &country{name: "Japan"} fmt.Println(c1) fmt.Println(c2) fmt.Println(c3) fmt.Println(c4) //print name of object has interface IName printname(c1) printname(c2) printname(c3) printname(c4) //print name of object not has interface IName printname(10) printname("abc")}
{Hangzhou}{US}&{Shanghai}&{Japan}It is a city: HangzhouIt is a country: USIt is a *city: ShanghaiIt is a *country: JapanIt is not a IName interface obj: 10It is not a IName interface obj: abc
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